Category Archives: Photography Locations

Halloween and Pumpkins!

Did you all enjoy halloween!?  We had a great party at work and there were some really neat pumpkins for the pumpkin contest.  One of the shots I did turned out pretty well so I thought I would share it.  This is a picture of the winning carved pumpkin, it’s the Death Star destroying Alderaan.  I think he did a great job and deserved to win the pumpkin carving contest.


Death Star Destroying Alderaan

Exposure: 0.5 sec at f/4.0 ISO: 640


I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!


I’m including exposure and ISO on every image here now as a helpful hint.  If there’s something else I should include as well let me know.

Nikkor Lens 105MM #3 – Lens Review

We went out the pumpkin patches today to find pumpkins for carving.  I took my Nikon (Nikkor) 105MM f/2.8 G ED AF-S Micro lens with me to play with it a little more.  This is not exactly a need for a micro lens but I had fun with it either way.

The bokah created by this lens and the extreme aperture is definitely of a specific use.  I think I was able to pull it off in the image below of a line of the pumpkins they had.  I think this makes a nice fall style image.


Pumpkin Row

Exposure 1/1500 sec at f/3.0 ISO 100

The exposure was 1/1500 sec at f/3.0 with an ISO of 100.  Of course using LightRoom I warmed up the temp a little a little and added some vignetting.

Before we went I grabbed an extra lens because I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to get an images I liked due to the use for the lens but I was happily surprised with what I was able to get with this lens.  I am starting to like the lens more and more as I use it and this is only day 2!

National Geographic Weekend Photography Workshop

Have you ever been to a weekend photography workshop?  I recently found that National Geographic offer photography excursions and workshops.  I am thinking of attending one but am very torn on which location to go to (Paris, Rome, New Orleans, Tucson, etc) and which type of photography workshop would be best suited for my skills, or  lack of skills.   Each offer something different in the way of photographing architecture, people, landscape, etc.  If you have reviewed any of my images please provide any comments that you have about your experienced at these workshops and types of photography that you think are best.

A full list of the workshops can be found here if you are interested: National Geographic Photography

Abstract Photography Created by Cropping

I am one of those people that (oddly enough) is hesitant to take a picture if I’m not sure how it will turn out.  Last weekend while in Canaan Valley West Virginia we visited SmokeHole Caverns.  I finally decided to take a few shots that I wasn’t sure of.  I took a few shots of the wall that actually worked well.  Caves are one of those places that I’m scared to take images of because the light is random and it’s always lit with spot lights.  Please note the images below.


This image turned out well with the light from the cave but the spotlights themselves had to be cropped out.  Once those items were cropped out its lovely with the colors and the layers.

SmokeHole Caverns West Virginia bacon staligmite

f/4.8 ISO 2500


This image is taken from the cave floor up the wall.  I used the camera flash for this image as the other lights were too high to illuminate the part of the wall I wanted to focus on.  As the camera flash is not idea you can clearly see the shadows created from the imperfections of the wall.  Those some of the shadows add to the image, some also distract from the image.  Some additional cropping could assist in correcting this issue.

Smokehole Caverns West Virginia canaan valley wall

f/3.5 ISO 2500

Flow of Water in Photographs

Many people recommend using different filters (neutral density) when photographing water and waterfalls.  I typically agree with this and have previously done this in practice.  This weekend while out in Canaan Valley in West VirginiaI had the opportunity to go to Blackwater Falls. This is a beautiful little place and just a short walk (192 steps) down to the wonderful waterfall.  I was playing with shutter speeds, exposures, etc trying to get the shot I wanted without having the filters I thought I needed.

Below are the 2 photos taken from the same spot within a minute of each other with different settings.  This will help to show some of the things you can do if you know the details of your shutter speeds and how to alter it.

Blackwater Falls exposer 1/25 sec at f/3.5


Blackwater Falls exposure 1/6 sec at f/19


You can see how the longer exposure make the water stream and flow nicely rather than show every drop coming down.  This is something the the filters will do for you as well without the need to change the settings on your camera.


Lake Scott Car Show

This year I managed to make it back to Scott City Kansas for the Lake Scott Car Show and my dad’s b-day. I took several pics around the park and elsewhere around town. I love the perspective that the wide angle lens gives to cars, it’s wonderful! Below are 3 images each with the wide lens (12-24mm) and all turned black and white.
If you haven’t noticed yet, black and white is may favorite. I do like color images and how vibrant they can be, but I have a special connection with the black and white.

You can see more about the Lake Scott Car Show posted on The Horses Asses Car Club site here.

Photography Contests

ViewBug appears to have several active Photography Contests at all times.  Its a great community with several different photography groups.

Each photo contest has specific types and rules as well as differing prizes per contest.  Many of the contests are free though some cost but you can get around these “per photo costs” by purchasing a membership.  I have found that regardless of winning there is the ability to request critiques and a great opportunity to receive feedback from other photographers!

ViewBug also has the ability to sell your photos online.  Check it out!


Butterfly Festival

Yesterday I had an opportunity to go to the butterfly festival at Tree Hill.  It was a  great opportunity for me as I was able to take some pictures of the butterfly release as well as some close up shots.  There were so many people and so many butterflies just the images of the children who caught butterflies and were holding them was great.  I have some added shots in a new gallery that I called Nature as it has the butterflies and the dragonfly I took earlier this week.  As always please provide any and all feedback so that I can continue to improve!

Seeing Photos Everywhere

In yet another of my ebooks (apparently I read more than I thought) there was a comment about how to look at everything in your day to day life.  I have really tried to take this into consideration and try to remember and repeat it to myself on a constant basis.  The way things currently sit or are positioned may not make an interesting photograph, but with small alterations or minor placement movements you may be able to arrange them into a beautiful photo.

I went out with some co-workers tonight to celebrate a birthday and for the first time noticed myself seeing these great photo ops in my day to day!  With a slight move of the things on the table it could make for a great photo, or the looks on every ones faces during part of a conversation, etc.  It really amazed me how many things I never noticed before really can be amazing!

I am excited to keep soaking all of this in and not to photograph it yet.  I know I am starting to get better, but I still have so far to go I do not want to photograph it and move on to my next subject.  I want continue imagining things and thinking about them until I have found the perfect photo.

I will be sure to keep reading and keep sharing as it’s said that you remember things better if you read, speak, and write about the subject.