Category Archives: Photography Contests

Hurley ProBoard now available – and there’s a challenge

Just a quick happy post for your Friday.  The Hurley ProBoard from Peter Hurley is now available for sale!  This is a great product for portability, backgrounds, to put on the ground with a fantastic reflection, and so many other things.

To go with this amazing news of the ProBoard on sale and shipping with an official site was the announcement of a head shaving!  If Peter sells 50 ProBoards by August 1, 2012 he will shave his head on August 1st on a G+ hangout!  The HurelyProGear site has been updated with a counter.  If you are going to purchase one anyway this may be a great time!


Watch the 2 hour hangout announcing the Head Shaving Challenge


International Auto Show in New York

I have entered another contest and need everyone’s help!  If my car photo gets the most “likes” then I would be picked for an all expense paid trip to New York to photograph at the International Auto Show!  If you don’t know I grew up around cars and at the car shows.  I still won’t let people clean my car because….they don’t clean them how I was taught.  I helped my dad and his friends build a T-bucket, and I have been there when the car broke down and had to be towed to the nearest town.  I would love the opportunity to go to a show like this, especially to photograph at one.  Please follow the link below and “like” my photo!

Like my photo:



Selected by the judges as a community favorite

It seems that the same images are coming back again and again getting more and more well known in various photography communities.  My Cathedral picture taken at St. John the Baptists Cathedral in Savannah Georgia has now been “selected by the judges as a community favorite” per the email I received from ViewBug!  Its the same HDR image that won the HDR Photomatix contest on FaceBook.  I have also sold 3 copies of this images thus far…and finally printed one for myself.

Once again this is completely amazing to me and I feel so honored to have someone even like some of the images I have taken, let alone for them to win something.  The best thing of this is it keeps giving me more and more motivation to get out and take more images.  On top of that is creating and excitement to see what people will say about various images and takes on the locations that I shoot.

I hope I can keep getting all the criticism I have been, good and bad, it has definitely help me to grow in the photography field!

Thank you again to all of you that vote, view, and provide feedback (good and bad, without you bad ones I don’t learn anything!), its what helps me to keep growing as a photographer.

PlusOne Collection Book – update

The limited edition sale period is over.  Yes I had to order one, it’s the first book that my photography will be in so it is quite exciting for me.  Very soon the release of the standard print, ebook, and app will be posted and the ebook and app are extremely cheap with the funds going to a great cause.  I will be sure to keep you updated on the information about the release and any sales info I receive.  You can continue to check out the book site for information s well.

This is copied from a post Ivan Makarov put on G+, it really is great information about the limited edition sale, I had to share:

“The final number is in. A total of  195 copies of the Limited Edition of +Plus One Collection will be printed. The production of all those copies will begin this week, and we hope to ship in the first few days of March. By the way – today is the last day to pick your print, if you have a preference –

Each copy will be numbered inside the book (1/194, 2/194, etc.). 

The first to order the book was +Alan Allum who also ordered another copy towards the end of the sale. The last to order was +Jim Patterson – literally with minutes to spare. 

Lots of cool stories – wives ordering for husbands, guys buying for their girlfriends, children buying for their parents and even my mom buying a copy in the last 30 minutes of the sale. 

I also know quite a few Googlers ordered their copies, including company’s executives. 

Approximately 65% will ship to US/Canada, with the rest all over the world – from Hong Kong to South Australia to Argentina and Poland. 

Don’t have the exact number of funds we raised thus far until all shipping expenses are paid for, but safe to say, we’ve raised over $10,000. “

As you see in the post he actually let people purchasing choose from 15 different prints which will be included in their order.  This is a great idea because it gives them that freedom but I’m sure it makes a lot more work and coordination for Ivan.  We will all remember his efforts for a long time to come.  If you are on G+ please remember to stop by and thank him for all of his hard work to raise this money for KIVA!

PlusOne Collection Book from Google+ Availabe for Sale

The PlusOne Collection Limited Edition book is now available for sale!  This book is a collection of photographs submitted by over 520 artists on Google Plus.  The artists range from pros to amateurs.

Each book will be printed large (11″ x 13″ landscape), and on premium fine art ProLine paper. Each copy will be numbered and include a certificate of authenticity. In addition, each book will come with a tipped-in print of one of the images in the book (prints are 6″ x 9″ on 8″ x 11.5″ paper). Prints are printed on archival paper to museum standards using UltraChrome K3 inks and will last close to 100 years with proper care.

View the PlusOneCollection site to learn more about the artists and various book editions that will be released later on Feb 21st.

One of my own images will also be available in the book.  Below you can see my image.   

The orders for the Collectors’ Limited Edition will only be taken from February 9 through February 20. No orders for that edition of the book will be taken after that date, and only one run of the Collectors’ Limited Edition will be done.


The PlusOneCollection site is up and ready to take your orders.  Be sure to go there soon and order if you would like the Limited Edition book!


Thank you again to Ivan Marakov and his team for putting this together so quickly to support the artists on Google+ and a Kiva


 Other Facts

  • Collectors’ Edition of Plus One Collection printed version is being released on February 9 and will be available for order until February 20th. Standard edition and ebook will be released on February 21st
  • Collectors’ Edition of Plus One Collection will be fulfilled by our team (Ivan and the Crew). Standard print edition of the book will be fulfilled through the publishing company Blurb
  • Photographers of all levels are represented – established professionals, up and coming artists, and amateurs just picking up photography
  • Photographers contributing to the project are from all four continents, representing 53 countries. Less than 50% are from the USA
  • Photographs in the book are just as diverse, representing all styles of today’s photography
  • Book’s editor and project manager is Ivan Makarov – you can find him here
  • The book is designed by design professional, Andy Lee, who volunteered his time to put the book together
  • A team of 11 photographers chose the images for the print edition. The PDF and mobile app will include ALL photographs submitted to the project
  • The total team working on the project consisted of 15 volunteers – none paid
  • Google+ page is here


ViewBug Hallway Photo Contest

The winners of the Hallway Photo Contest on ViewBug were announced today.  I did not win, however I did receive honorable mention!

The photo is below but you can also check it out on viewbug.


Eastern State Penn Prison hall

Won Honorary Mention on November 25, 2011

The additional information requested by an provided to ViewBug is as follows.  Once I see the updates on their blog I will link to that as well.

1. Where did you take the photo and what equipment you used (be specific by giving us the technical details)?

Taken in Philly at Eastern State Penitentiary

Nikon D7000 18-105 f/3.5-5.6 lens

ISO 200 – no flash
exposure 1/10 sec at f/5.6
Altered in Lightroom, then made HDR using Photomatix
2. What inspired you to take that shot?
The entire place had a dirty/creepy feel to it but everything we toured through had been cleaned up and didn’t seem to show the history you felt.  At the center there is a central point that 7 hallways all lead out from.  One of them was completely barred off as they had not yet begun renovations on that hall.  Pushing my lens through the bars to just get the hall, and not the bars, I finally saw what I had been feeling during the tour and took several shots.  When editing the image I kept playing with turning it sepia or black and white.  Nothing seemed to fit, then I happened upon the purple hue and it worked.  It kept with the light and airy yet creepy feeling that I had when I was there.

onONe Photography – Focal Point

I participated in a photo contest recently that was based on using onOne Photography suite.  onOne has add-ins for Photoshop and Lightroom so that you can make all edits at once.  My favorite at this point has to be the “focal point” add-in.

This image specifically uses the focus add-in.  The entire image was in focus and it made nothing appear different or attractive about the image.  The image actually seems rather boring.

red plymouth in focus



The image below is done using onOne Focal Point.  This added oval focus areas on the grill with extreme feathering on the edges.  The focus put only on the front and grill of the old plymouth with everything else out of focus adds the much needed abstractions in the photo.  The image now has something that draws your eye to focus on an area of the image.

Red Plymouth onOne



Bridge photography contest

The ViewBug bridges photography contest is open for voting.  Please help me by voting for my image!  Click the “like” button on the right side of the page!


Image to vote for here this bridge at New River Gorge

New River Gorge Image

Photomatix Contest Winner

I entered a Photomatix contest on Facebook a week or so ago and I found out this morning (August 17, 2011) that I won!  You’ll have to check it out on Facebook.  This should link directly to the page itself, just read the caption at the bottom.


Editors Choice Award



Photomatix Pro Bundle


Photomatix software is used for HDR images. It has a great de-ghosting affect and has several presets that will get you very close to the result that you are looking for and leave little work to follow.

The image that won the contest is the inside of St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Savannah Ga.

Feature Photo

I have to share as this is my first ever featured photo!  In my previous post I spoke about ViewBug and today (August 17, 2011) the photo below is the second featured photo on ViewBug!  (out of 4, not too shabby).  I have also included a permanent link to the photo in case if you want to see it and see the amount of feedback that you are able to get on a single photo.


This is an HDR creation (one of my first) taken at Jacksonville beach of the pier. It had been storming that morning and I had to wait till about 9am for the sun to start coming out to get the breaks in the clouds that you see. The beach looked beautiful that day.